Minerals - The Spark Plugs of Life
Minerals are often referred to as “the spark plugs of life” for good reason. They are required for just about every metabolic process in the body. They are essential for our bones and teeth, energy production, nerve and muscle function, pH balance, immune function etc.
How to read ingredient lists like a pro
Are you just beginning your health journey and don’t know where to start? Here’s an easy entry point — start by reading ingredient labels. In this article, I break down the importance of reading ingredient labels, how to purchase packaged foods wisely and what ingredients you should avoid.
Six tips for your best sleep yet
Proper rest is as important to our health as food, water and air. In this article we’re going to discuss six tips for better sleep, but let’s begin with what makes sleep therapeutic.
Digestion starts where?
Just about every picture of the digestive system that I see is missing one key organ. Can you guess what it is?
Don’t rely on willpower to conquer your cravings
People tell me all the time that they don’t have the willpower to eat healthily. They think it’s too hard to stop their unhealthy food habits, so they don’t even bother trying. Or, they might try on Monday, only to give up by Wednesday. This can lead to feelings of failure or hopelessness.
What if I told you it’s possible to take willpower out of the equation?
Could you have a vitamin D deficiency?
During winter, deficiency rates can be as high as 50% of the population in the southern states of Australia. Vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to many health conditions including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis and autoimmunity. Having optimal levels of vitamin D is critical for good overall health.
How I beat my autoimmunity
No matter what autoimmune illness you are dealing with, there are certain actions that you can take to address the underlying reasons why you have autoimmunity in the first place. It’s much better to support your immune system rather than suppress it.
Do you ignore the messages your body is giving you?
Do you put up with niggling health issues, thinking they’re normal? Things like: bloating and/or abdominal pain, belching after eating, diarrhea or constipation, sugar cravings, skin issues, joint pain and/or stiffness and feeling less energised than you would like?
Although it may be common for people to experience one or more of these issues, it’s not normal at all.
Focus on the Foundations for Immune Health
Our immune system is very cleverly designed to deal with the exposure to pathogens (germs or anything capable of producing disease) that we encounter on a daily basis. However, we need to supply our immune system the nutrients it needs, so that it can do its job properly.
How to take control of your sugar cravings
Blood sugar regulation is the process by which our bodies maintain the level of sugar in our blood. Glucose is the technical name for blood sugar and is created by breaking down the food we eat into a form that the body can use for energy.
10 Signs You Need to Improve Your Gut Health (and how to do it)
People often say, “you are what you eat” but the truth is “you are what you absorb.” You can have the healthiest diet of properly prepared, nutrient-dense foods but you must also be able to adequately break down and absorb the nutrients you’re consuming.
The Truth About Dietary Fat
Most people are now aware of the negative impact of sugar on health. However, the fear of dietary fat still persists and many people don’t understand just how important good quality fat is for optimal health.
Intermittent Fasting – A Guide for Beginners
Intermittent fasting has been trending for quite some time now. Is it simply hype or is there science to back up the grandiose claims of weight loss and improved overall health?