Don’t rely on willpower to conquer your cravings
People tell me all the time that they don’t have the willpower to eat healthily. They think it’s too hard to stop their unhealthy food habits, so they don’t even bother trying. Or, they might try on Monday, only to give up by Wednesday. This can lead to feelings of failure or hopelessness.
What if I told you it’s possible to take willpower out of the equation?
I used to be a complete sugar addict. I would drive to a bunch of different corner stores or bakeries, so that no one knew just how much junk food I was actually buying. Then I would eat whatever I bought in secret, to hide my shame from family and friends.
I had a terrible relationship with food. I would restrict my food intake to try to lose weight and then I would be hit with terrible cravings for all the wrong kinds of food. I obsessed about food all the time and I hated myself for being so weak, for not being in control.
What I didn’t realise was that my body was trying to tell me a message, and it wasn’t that I had a deficiency of sugar or calories. It was telling me that I needed nutrients and the meal I had just eaten didn’t supply those nutrients. That’s why I never got the “ok I’ve had enough now” signal after eating processed foods.
It wasn’t until I started to shift the focus onto including more nutritious foods into my diet, rather than focus on the foods that were “off limits”, that I began to find balance. I crowded out the poor food choices and eventually I was able to start listening to what my body really needed.
Food journaling really helped too. I didn’t realise how much snacking I was doing during the day and how little water I was drinking. It can also help you determine any food sensitivities or emotional triggers that you may have.
If you would like to understand how to eat that is right for your body, so that you can conquer your cravings, you can join me for my five-week RESTART® Program.
RESTART ® is a personal journey of self-discovery with tools you can use for a healthier lifetime. The five-week class combines up-to-date nutrition education, a guided 3-week sugar detox (Real Food Challenge), and small-group support into a powerful way to kickstart a new healthy lifestyle.
Things won’t change instantly, but once you start to eat more REAL food, you naturally start to crave less. Some small changes can build into huge shifts over time – without the need for willpower!
Click here to learn more about RESTART® or to sign up for an upcoming class.